Area Codes 202 & 771 Telephone Central Office
Building Pictures
The following are pictures of ALL the
telephone central office buildings in Area Codes 202 & 771 (Washington, DC).
Click on the pictures below for a larger

Washington Zone 1
"Anacostia" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100
Prefixes Served: (202) 575, 581-4
Notes: Source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (202) 388, 396-9, 627, 788
Notes: Photo 2: Telebeans in January 2004. Current photo
source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Digital Switch (unknown type)
Prefixes Served: (202) 269, 281, 526, 529, 635-6, 832,
Notes: Photo 2: Telebeans in January 2004. Current photo
source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
"Congress Heights" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (202) 201, 232, 279, 373, 404, 561-3,
574, 645, 767, 787
Notes: Source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
Photo 2 |
Photo 3 |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: DS0: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS DS1:
Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100
Prefixes Served: DS0: (202) 220, 233, 272, 278, 347, 376,
383, 393, 395, 432, 434, 442, 504, 508, 585, 624, 626, 628,
637-9, 648, 654, 661-2, 724, 727, 737, 761, 783, 824, 879, 942 DS1: (202)
305, 307, 353, 514, 532, 598, 616
Notes: Photo 3 source: Telebeans. Current photo source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: DS2: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Host DS4:
Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Host
Prefixes Served: DS2: (202) 235, 238, 299, 319, 518, 588,
612-3, 671, 673, 806, 865, 884, 956, 986, 991 DS4: (202) 232,
234, 265, 328, 332, 387, 462, 476, 483, 667, 745, 797, 939
Notes: Photo 2: Telebeans in September 2004. Current
photo source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
"FBI" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100
Prefixes Served: (202) 323-4
Notes: A switch is located somewhere in the FBI
headquarters building. Source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (202) 229, 295, 298, 313, 333, 337-9,
342, 389, 424, 471, 516, 625, 672, 687, 784, 886, 943-5, 965
Notes: Photo 2: Telebeans in January 2005. Current photo
source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (202) 291, 356, 538, 541, 545, 576-7,
722-3, 726, 782, 829, 882
Notes: Photo 2: Telebeans in January 2005. Current photo
source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
"Lincoln" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (202) 317, 534-4, 546-8, 608, 675, 698
Notes: Source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
"Metro" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: DS0: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100 DS1:
Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS DSS: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Host
Prefixes Served: DS0: (202) 222, 458, 473, 522, 614
DS1: (202) 216, 218, 227, 275, 289, 310, 312, 326, 336, 343,
346, 348, 350, 354, 357, 371, 377, 408, 414, 435, 477, 512-3,
515, 523, 535, 566, 589, 623, 633, 664, 680, 682, 712, 786, 789,
842-3, 898, 906, 962 DSS: (202) 208, 219, 273, 482, 501-2,
564-5, 693-4
Notes: Source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
"Midtown" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: DS0: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS DS1:
Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS RS0: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Remote
Prefixes Served: DS0: (202) 261, 263, 296, 303, 331, 334,
392, 416, 452, 456, 466-7, 496, 530, 533, 557, 701, 721, 728,
736, 739, 762, 776, 785, 833, 835, 872, 912, 974 DS1: (202)
223, 242, 254, 293, 327, 419, 429, 457, 463, 597, 632, 634, 647,
653, 659, 663, 676, 689, 775, 778, 822, 828, 857, 861-2, 887,
955, 994 RS0: (202) 418, 606
Notes: Source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
"Southeast" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (202) 284, 433, 436, 610, 678, 685, 757,
781, 889
Notes: Source: GSV

Washington Zone 1
Photo 2 |
Photo 3 |
Listing Updated: April 2021
Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P of DC
Switch Type: DSA: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100 DSS:
Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS 07T: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel
DMS-200 PEO: Packet End Office (unknown type)
Prefixes Served: DSA: (202) 203, 212, 225-6, 230,
245, 252, 264, 267, 283, 287, 283, 287, 314, 366, 382, 385, 406,
426, 447, 453, 472, 475, 479, 484-5, 488, 493, 554, 586, 593,
622, 646,651, 707, 732, 755, 799, 863, 874, 927 DSS: (202)
205, 260, 358, 401-2, 619, 690-2, 708, 720 07T: (202)
432, 474, 490, 542, 666, 668, 901 PS0: (202) 470
Notes: The granddaddy HQ of Verizon landline in
Washington, DC. Home to a slew of switches of various types
(Verizon, CLEC, pager, etc.). Only Verizon ones are shown here.
Also home
to an AT&T 4ESS. The building is so large that Verizon sells
billboard space that can be seen from nearby I-395. This photo
was taken from South Capitol Street in southeast DC. Photo 3 -
Source: Telebeans

Washington Zone 1
"Woodley" |
Listing Updated: April 2021Operating Company: Verizon/Bell Atlantic/C&P
of DC
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Host
Prefixes Served: (202) 237, 243-4, 282, 362-4, 537, 665,
686, 752, 764, 885, 895, 966
Notes: Source: GSV
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