Area Code 314 Telephone Central Office
The following are representative examples of
telephone central office buildings in Area Code 314 (St. Louis, Missouri
Click on the pictures below for a larger

Creve Coeur
Photo 2 |
Photo 3
Listing Updated: June 2023
Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 205, 275, 317, 415, 434, 439, 453,
469, 514, 523, 529, 542, 576, 579, 628, 844, 851, 878
Notes: This office is home to #5ESS switch. It also
provides office space for local AT&T engineering and planning
employees. Current photo: GSV. Photos 2 and 3: July 2010

Photo 2 |
Photo 3
Listing Updated: May 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100
Prefixes Served: (314) 821-2, 835, 909, 957, 965-6, 984
Notes: It houses a DMS100 which serves this suburb west
of Saint Louis. Photo 2 shows the original central office with the
business entrance at the left hand side of the photo. The
original building has been expanded 3 times to accommodate many
other things than the DMS100 switch. Current photo: GSV. Photos
2 and 3: July 2010

Photo 2
Listing Updated: May 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Host
Prefixes Served: (314) 213-4, 216, 246, 251, 274, 432,
567, 569, 587, 692-4, 716, 810, 812, 872, 983, 989, 991, 993-7
Notes: Ladue is an upscale suburb in Saint Louis county. It
hosts a #5ESS switch and an STP. Current photo: GSV. Photo
2: July 2010

Photo 2
Listing Updated: August 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 209, 291, 298, 344, 702, 738-9,
Notes: Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: June 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 264, 493, 506, 521-2, 524, 592,
595, 654
Notes: It's another metro office know by its old EXchange
name. It houses a Lucent #5ESS switch. Current photo: GSV. Photo
2: July 2010

Photo 2
Listing Updated: August 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband G6 Packet Remote
Prefixes Served: (314) 830-1, 837-9, 921, 972
Notes: This was originally a Western Electric #1AESS
switch until 2016. Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Photo 2 |
Photo 3
Listing Updated: September 2021Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband G6 Packet Remote
Prefixes Served: (314) 551, 731, 895
Notes: This was a Western Electric #1AESS switch until
2013. Current photo: GSV. Photos 2 and 3: July 2010

"Spanish Lake"
Photo 2
Listing Updated: December 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 355, 438, 653, 741, 953
Notes: This north Saint Louis county office serves an area
that boomed in the 1980s. It houses a 5ESS switch. The building
is not named after the EXchange prefix, it is named after the
suburb in which it is situated. There is no municipality named
Spanish Lake. The area was named after the pond the Spanish
military had there next to Fort Don Carlos and until late in the
19th century the area was called Spanish Pond. At that point
local landowners who wanted to encourage people to move there
and build inflated the pond to a lake and “Spanish Lake” it
remains to this day. Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Photo 2
Listing Updated: July 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 293, 416, 487, 845-6, 892, 894
Notes: Serves both Mehlville and Oakville ratecenters.
This office is in the southwest suburbs of Saint Louis. It houses
a #5ESS switch which replaced the last #1AESS office in the Saint
Louis metro area. The tracing in front of the office was
necessitated by the widening of the street in front of the
office from 2 lanes to 6 around 1988. Current photo: GSV. Photo
2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Photo 3 |
Photo 4 |
Listing Updated: May 2021Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100
Prefixes Served: (314) 206, 231, 235, 241-2, 244, 284,
331, 335, 340, 345, 418, 421, 425, 444, 465-6, 516, 539, 571,
769, 923, 982, 992
Notes: This building was built around and above the original
structure which was only a few building bays wide and a 3 or 4
stories in height. It was greatly expanded in 1926 and was
approximately half of the size it is today. Shortly after World
War II it was expanded to its present dimensions to accommodate
a growing Headquarters staff. Current photo: GSV. Photo 2:
August 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: August 2021Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: DS2: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS RS1:
Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Remote RS5: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS Remote
Prefixes Served: DS2: (314) 261, 381-3, 385, 389, 553,
679 RS1: (314) 260, 263 RS5: (314) 489
Notes: This office houses a Lucent No.5 ESS switch. The
area is economically distressed since the major employers here
closed their plants 15 to 20 years ago. Current photo: GSV.
Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2
Listing Updated: May 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 351-3, 457, 481, 752, 832
Notes: This central office is located in south Saint
The third floor (until recently) housed one of the remaining
1AESS switches in Saint Louis. FLanders was the EXchange in this
office which was once home to more party lines than any other
office in Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Almost all Saint
Louis city offices are known by the EXchange they once served.
Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: August 2021Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband G6 Packet Remote
Prefixes Served: (314) 361, 367, 454, 758, 823, 826, 829,
848, 855, 879
Notes: This was a Western Electric #1AESS switch until
2013. Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: March 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband G6 Remote Packet Switch
Prefixes Served: (314) 286, 289, 371, 531, 533-5, 652,
Notes: This building was home to a #1AESS switch and
also houses a Tandem switch. The 1970s addition of the 3rd
through 5th floors is inconsistent architecturally with the
original building. That's odd, most Southwestern Bell additions
blend in fairly nicely. The Central office serves an area which
is bouncing back from blight largely due to the presence of
Saint Louis University immediately to the South and east. It also
serves the refurbished Fox Theater and the Powell Symphony Hall.
This office also houses a Tandem switch (STLSMO0501T) and a TOPS
(STLSMO05B2T). Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: September 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 256, 544, 615, 631, 633, 638, 676,
763, 765, 767
Notes: It houses another #5ESS switch. MElrose was the
EXchange for this office. Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Photo 3 |
Listing Updated: January 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 644-7, 768, 781, 951
Notes: This office houses a Lucent #5ESS switch. The
office is actually located in the suburb of Maplewood. Photo 2
shows detail over the front door which shows the stone detail
over the front door of the office. The first picture clearly
shows the 3rd floor addition to the building which was done to
accommodate the #1ESS switch which has since been replaced by
the #5ESS. The original basic office clearly stands out in
contrast to the additions done to this building over its life.
Current photo: GSV. Photos 2 and 3: July 2010

Saint Louis
"Olive" (AT&T Toll)
Photo 2 |
Photo 3 |
Photo 4
Listing Updated: August 2022Operating Company:
at&t Long Lines
Switch Type: Nokia N4E (New 4ESS)
Prefixes Served: (no ILEC prefixes)
Notes: Toll office for AT&T in Saint Louis. This is a 3
building complex. There is no class 5 (local) switch in this
office (technically). It consists of a small 2 story original building, a
large 6 story growth building from the 1920s and a massive 10
story building added in the late 1940s. This is where the 4ESS
toll tandem was and where radio routes from all points of the
compass were repeated as well as originated. It now houses a new
Nokia N4E (New 4ESS) as the regional AT&T toll tandem. Current
photo: GSV. Photos 2-4: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: October 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband G6 Packet Remote
Prefixes Served: (314) 253, 423, 426-9, 538, 733, 890
Notes: This was a Western Electric #1AESS until 2013.
Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: August 2021Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100
Prefixes Served: (314) 273, 290, 362, 445, 480, 505, 512,
515 (CC), 572-3, 719, 721, 725-7, 746-7, 854, 859, 862-3, 889,
933, 935, 977
Notes: The office hosts a Lucent No.5ESS and a Nortel
DMS100. It is located in University City which is the home of
Washington university, the finest school in Missouri. This
office is only 11 blocks west of the Forest office but you find
no bricked up windows here. This location in "U City" is a
popular entertainment area in the Saint Louis metro area.
Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: June 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband G6 Packet Remote
Prefixes Served: (314) 268, 577, 664, 762, 771-3, 776,
The former 2L-5N EXchange here was PRospect. This was a Western
Electric #1AESS switch until 2013. This office
serves a large number of Southeast Asian immigrants.
Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: August 2010

Saint Louis
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: June 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband G6 Packet Remote
Prefixes Served: (314) 388, 867-9
Notes: This was a Western Electric #1AESS switch until
2013. I don't know why
it's called Riverview because you are 2 miles from the
Mississippi and can't see it from the central office. Current
photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Saint Louis
"Webster Groves"
Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: February 2022Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Ribbon/Genband/Nortel DMS-100
Prefixes Served: (314) 301, 918-9, 961-3, 968
Notes: It was built to fit in with the old wealthy suburb
town of Webster Groves, MO where it sits on the main street,
Lockwood Ave. It houses a Nortel DMS100 switch. The two smaller
oak trees in front of the office were only 10 feet tall when
they were planted in about 1963 when the photographer was a boy
there. Current photo: GSV. Photo 2: July 2010

Photo 2 |
Listing Updated: June 2023Operating Company: at&t/SBC/Southwestern Bell
Switch Type: Nokia/Alcatel/Lucent 5ESS
Prefixes Served: (314) 364, 467, 525, 543, 729-30, 842-3,
Notes: It is home to a #5ESS switch. Current photo: GSV.
Photo 2: July 2010
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