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Telephone Central Office Building Pictures
Listings by RBOC Region

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At the AT&T divestiture in 1984, the United States was divided up into seven Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) or "Baby Bells". For a number of years after divestiture, these roughly stayed the same and operated much like they did under the original Bell System.

Things started to drastically change with the Telecommunications Act of 1996. These companies were now allowed to merge with other companies, and even with other RBOCs.

As of 2011, the concept of an RBOC has pretty much become a moot point, especially with the merger of CenturyLink (now Lumen and Brightspeed) and Qwest. However, many of us "old timers" remember how these companies pretty much did business the same way within a region.


Merged with SBC in 1999. Now part of at&t local.

Bell Atlantic

Merged with NYNEX in 1996 (keeping BA name). Merged with GTE in 2000 to form Verizon. Parts sold to Frontier in 2010.


Merged with SBC in 2006. Now part of at&t local.


Merged with Bell Atlantic in 1996 and later merged to become Verizon. Parts sold off to Fairpoint in 2008, which was in turn sold to Consolidated Communications in 2017.

Pacific Telesis

Merged with SBC in 1997. Now part of at&t local.

Southwestern Bell/SBC

Changed name to SBC in 1995. Acquired AT&T, changed name to "at&t" in 2005.

US West

Merged with Qwest in 2000. Later merged with CenturyLink in 2011.

Other States Not Listed

These were never part of an RBOC.


By US States & Territories

Listings of Telephone Central Office Building Pictures by United States states and territories.

By RBOC Region

Listings of Telephone Central Office Building Pictures by original Regional Bell Operating Company (RBOC) region circa 1984.

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Page last modified February 11, 2025
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